Elegance is Easier than You Think

As one of my favorite housewives Countess Luann De Lesseps once said, “Elegance is all about making people feel comfortable”. This quote has inspired me and changed my perception on what it means to be elegant.

There is a common misconception that elegance is a trait that is only associated with the upper class. However, it has absolutely nothing to do with money. Elegance comes not from good breeding or blood lines, but from within. It is something that can be learned, and with practice, can become one of your best traits. 

There is a constant lack of elegance in our society today. People are glued to their phones, and therefore don’t appreciate the current moment. In order to show respect, you have to be in the present moment. Treat people how you would want to be treated.

You don’t have to be an expert on manners or style to be elegant. Elegance, to me, starts with kindness. Being nice and warm to those around you, as opposed to being stuck up and snooty, makes others feel comfortable.

Elegance is also about knowing when and where to filer what you say. Honesty is good, but not at the expense of other people’s feelings. Knowing the climate and people around you is key to know when to keep critiques or possibly offensives comments to yourself.

In order to be elegant, you must also be self-confident. This is not to be mixed up with arrogance, a trait that I find extremely tasteless. Self-confidence is being respectful and sure of yourself. You know yourself and have spent time reflecting on who you are, and are therefore able to ensure that you are a person you are proud of. A person who is confident is easy to be around because they can laugh at themselves rather than at the expense of others. They know who they are and they take responsibility for their actions.

CultureJenna Thrasher